The meaning behind the painting : daydreaming of a new world

Not all of my art has a deep meaning, some is just for bemusement and play. However there are still quite a few where I had an idea I wished to communicate, a thought I wished to convey long before the artwork was created, attempting to tell this visual communication during the process; and so I thought I would start a new series of blog posts, going beyond the description in the store, sharing these artworks which are now finished, and I feel convey that message.

The first is “Daydreaming of a new world”

This was looking at how I often feel separate to the world and how the collective mind seems to think and navigate life very differently to my own. to quote rabbit junk “the world wasn’t built for a mind like mine”

I only discovered I was neurodivergent in my 30s, autism much later, last year so this was painted with only the ADHD known. This space warrior is looking for a land, a planet where her people are, those who understand her. The space fish are confused, is it ocean or space? Both of which are largely unexplored. Fish are lost as to where they are, cosmic space fish, feeling a fish out of water, longing for connection traveling the universe with the warrior.

To view more images on this painting which is available to purchase its here Daydreaming of a new world is currently being shown at circular art space until 24Th of November, see those layers up close.


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