The Ever-Present Stickman: Confronting the Inner Critic in Fine Art

In the journey of artistic growth, one encounters an ever-present companion: the inner critic. This relentless stickman, armed with doubts and insecurities, seems to level up alongside our skill set, casting shadows on our creative endeavours. Yet, as we navigate the landscapes of self-expression, it becomes evident that the critic's voice, though persistent, lacks the full spectrum of truth.

The Unyielding Nature of the Inner Critic:

    • The inner critic, a manifestation of fear and self-doubt, never ceases its commentary on our artistic pursuits.

    • Despite achievements and successes, it focuses on perceived shortcomings and fears of judgment.

      Embracing Fear: Insights from Creative Icons:

    • Insights from Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act" shed light on the universal nature of fear among artists.

    • Even the most accomplished individuals experience trepidation before sharing their work, yet they push forward driven by the desire to connect and share their passion. The excitement and desire to share outweighs the fear. How much do you want to do this thing? Or as Elizabeth Gilbert says, find which shit sandwich you’re ok with eating. Even dream jobs will have moments of challenges, in some case they can be many.

      The Paradox of Improvement:

    • As artistic skills evolve, so does the discernment of flaws and areas for improvement.

    • Increased proficiency magnifies awareness of gaps in technique or execution, leading to heightened self-criticism. It helps to look back at previous work, to become inspired by our past selves and to realise our artistic voice along with our skillset has indeed improved. We will be learning for the rest of our lives and ever more.

      Subjectivity in Art Appreciation:

    • Recognising the subjectivity of artistic taste is crucial.

    • While some may find fault in one's work, others may connect deeply with it, highlighting the diversity of artistic appreciation. There are enough people (too many some may say) on this planet that there is a community who will love your art and what you do.

  • Embracing the Creative Process:

    • Channeling passion and flow into artwork infuses it with authenticity and energy.

    • The act of creation becomes a journey of self-discovery and connection with others and a spiritual act - or the act of awareness.

      Shifting Perspectives:

    • Transitioning from self-critique to self-validation can transform the creative experience.

    • Instead of questioning the worthiness of one's art, focusing on its truthfulness to personal expression fosters a more fulfilling creative practice.


In the vast expanse of artistic expression, the inner critic looms as a constant companion, yet its authority diminishes in the face of passion and authenticity. By embracing the journey of self-discovery and connection through art, one can navigate the tumultuous terrain of self-doubt and emerge victorious, armed with the conviction that true artistry transcends the confines of criticism. While being true to what you wish to create can bring the fear of judgement, doing so gives a much more fulfilling creative practice.


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